20 June 2007

UAE foils attempt to smuggle 521 kg of narcotics into a neighboring Gulf country

An attempt to traffic and distribute 521 kilos of hashish in a neighboring Gulf country has been foiled Tuesday by Anti-narcotics Unit of the Abu Dhabi Police, according to an official police source.The huge hashish shipment was tucked away by members of an international ring inside a container, it said, adding that the drug smugglers managed to secure safe passage for the container aboard a ship into a UAE seaport.Close observation by Abu Dhabi Police, coordination and exchange of information between authorities of the two countries led to the seizure of the drug shipment in the destination Gulf country.
"The Anti-narcotics Department received tips on an international gang who managed to hide narcotic drugs inside the wooden beams of beds. The container of beds which was shipped from an Asian country was bound for a Gulf country through the UAE", explained Head of the Anti-narcotics Department at the Directorate General of Security and Entry Ports Affairs Lieutenant Colonel Ali Mohammed Al Shamsi."A special team was led by Director General of Security and Entry Ports Affairs Brigadier Mattar Hamad Al Muhairi. A plan was laid down in coordination with authorities of the said port to make sure the hashish shipment is inside the container", he added.In the drug bust carried out in the destination country, 3 members of the international drug trafficking ring, 2 Asians and one Arab national, were caught red-handed while trying to discharge drugs from the container. Source

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